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Host a Fundraiser

Support our families

Hosting a third-party fundraising initiative not only generates vital monetary and in-kind resources for RMHC CTMA programs but also builds a network of support, raises awareness, and empowers individuals, groups, and corporations to become advocates for the families that call us home.

By organizing and conducting fundraising events on behalf of RMHC CTMA, groups and individuals can impact the families we serve and become ambassadors for our mission within their family, circle of friends, office group, and community at large.

Make FUN Matter

Third-party fundraisers can range in size and scale depending on the creativity and resources of the organizers. No matter the size, all third-party fundraisers help provide RMHC CTMA families with all they require during their stay.

Common third-party fundraising ideas are:
• Facebook fundraiser
• Wish list drive
• Dress down/Jeans day
• Bake sale or car wash
• Road races (run, walk, or bike!)
• Percentage of sales in a restaurant or retail store
• Peer-to-peer fundraising

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are endless when it comes to creative ways to raise funds for RMHC CTMA families through third-party initiatives!

Contact us to learn more

Please contact Melanie Burgos for more information.